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When I Miss My Friends

Bonjooouurr! Asli, kangen banget nulis disini 😄. Kalau dilihat-lihat, gue udah nggak blogging semenjak awal tahun 2021. Gue tidak ingin mengklaim diri gue sibuk, tapi pada kenyataannya, selama gue nggak nge- blog, banyak sekali hal yang perlu gue rumat sebagai budak korporat. Budak korporat disini nggak selalu negatif kok, hihi. I was attended a quite-long training from my company. Pelatihan yang biasanya hanya memakan waktu sekitar sebulan, ini bisa ditotal jadi tiga sampai empat bulan. Pelatihan ini sangat penting untuk karyawan baru di divisi gue, jadi gue nggak boleh menyia-nyiakannya. Apa yang gue dapatkan kemarin akan sangat mempengaruhi performa gue sebagai karyawan di perusahaan gue. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels Aktivitas yang menurut gue melelakan--namun juga mengasyikan--ini lah yang membuat gue ngga fokus untuk berpikir yang lain. Oh, kalau ada teman-teman yang bilang gue aktif di media sosial tapi nggak blogging , somehow , ada feel yang sempat hilang disini. Un...

Do You?

Do you ever think about this?

A girl who lives with a biggest smile. A girl who tells the funniest jokes. A girl who becomes the most lovable person. A girl who rarely asks you a favor. A girl who makes the others feel good. A girl who smiles to you continuously. A girl who never mad at you cause a stupid thing. A girl who accepts bad things from you. A girl who talks so much if you do something wrong. A girl who accepts you just the way you really are.

Sometimes, that girl could be more lonely than you think. Sometimes, that girl needs a stronger person to stand beside her. Sometimes, that girl couldn't give a spirit for the others. Sometimes, that strongest girl becomes the weakest girl. Sometimes, that girl screams louder but you can't hear it at all. Sometimes, that girl needs a huge help but you don't recognize. And maybe for always, you don't see her struggles.

Take a look to a different perspective. When you loves someone, see your back, is it anyone loving you more than the person you love? Is it a person who needs your help to change her/his life for a good things? I know you love someone. But you can't live without loved by someone.



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